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    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit

    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit

    For extraction of DNA from difficult to lyse Marine Algae

    • Optimized to lyse with surfactant and isolate DNA using organic extraction
    • Ready-to-use, high-quality DNA for downstream applications
    • Simple protocol for DNA isolation from up to 250 mg samples.
    • Procedure provides genomic DNA of high quality with no degradation and with high yields from a small amount of material
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    DNA isolation from algae and marine seaweeds is tricky due to polysaccharides and polyphenol compounds present within the thalli of many species. Grinding plant material in liquid nitrogen and column based isolation methods are often difficult to perform since these plant material release viscous soluble polysaccharides that may clog the column and pose a problem in downstream applications. Furthermore, a procedure that works with one algal group will often fail with others, probably because of the diversity of cell wall, storage, and secondary compounds

    We have therefore, developed a modified surfactant based protocol, which is an easy method for DNA isolation from algal sample. This surfactant forms complexes with polysaccharides at specific salt concentrations. At lower salt concentrations, that surfactant complex with nucleic acids. Chlorophyll and some denatured proteins are removed from the plant tissue in an organic chloroform/iso amyl step and the organic phase is separated by centrifugation. The DNA recovered is suitable for enzyme digestion, Southern blotting and analysis by PCR.


    • PCR and Real-time PCR
    • Sequencing
    • RAPD and microsatellite analysis
    • RFLP, AFLP, and Southern blot
    • Construction of genomic libraries.
    • Hybridization
    • Cloning

    For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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    Kit Specifications – Spin Column

    Maximum  sample  Input

    250 mg

    Elution volume

    100–200 µl




    Organic Extraction

    Time to complete 10 preparations

    90 minutes

    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.

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    Items Cat. # Size
    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit SCMR011 25 Prep.
    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit SCMR011A 50 Prep.
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    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit

    For extraction of DNA from difficult to lyse Marine Algae

    • Optimized to lyse with surfactant and isolate DNA using organic extraction
    • Ready-to-use, high-quality DNA for downstream applications
    • Simple protocol for DNA isolation from up to 250 mg samples.
    • Procedure provides genomic DNA of high quality with no degradation and with high yields from a small amount of material
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    Items Cat. # Size
    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit SCMR011 25 Prep.
    Marine Algae gDNA Purification Kit SCMR011A 50 Prep.