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    Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit

    Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit

    Rapidly remove contaminants and concentrate all sizes of DNA in minutes

    • Purify amplified DNA ranging from 100 bp -10 kp in size
    • Fast and efficient spin column format
    • Available in a 50 prep size and a 100 prep size
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    SLS’ Gel DNA Extraction Kit is designed for the rapid preparation and purification of DNA fragments that have been fractionated on agarose gels. This kit provides spin columns, buffers, and collection tubes for silica-membrane-based purification of DNA fragments from gels (up to 400 mg slices) or enzymatic reactions. DNA ranging from 100 bp to 10 kb is purified using a simple and fast bind-wash-elute procedure and an elution volume of 30–50 μl. An integrated pH indicator allows easy determination of the optimal pH for DNA binding to the spin column.

    The recovered DNA is free from agarose and other impurities, and is compatible with restriction enzyme digestion, ligation into vectors and sequencing.  The protocol can be completed in 20 minutes.


    SLS’ Gel DNA Extraction Kits contain a silica membrane assembly for binding of DNA in high-salt buffer and elution with low-salt buffer or water. The purification procedure removes primers, nucleotides, enzymes, mineral oil, salts, agarose, ethidium bromide, and other impurities from DNA samples. Silica-membrane technology eliminates the problems and inconvenience associated with loose resins and slurries. Specialized binding buffers are optimized for specific applications and promote selective adsorption of DNA molecules within particular size ranges.


    DNA fragments purified are ready for direct use in all applications, including sequencing, ligation and transformation, restriction digestion, labeling, microinjection, PCR, and in vitro transcription.

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    Features Specifications
    Binding capacity Up to 10 µg
    Format Tube
    Fragment size 100 bp – 10 kb
    Processing Manual
    Elution volume 30–50 µl
    Technology Silica technology
    Sample type: applications DNA: PCR reactions

    Kit Contents:

    Storage  Temperature

    (upon  receipt)

    Silica Spin Columns


    Spin Column collection tube


    Buffer AG


    Buffer PW2(Concentrate)


    Buffer PE


    pH Indicator C


    3 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0


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    Items Cat. # Size
    Gel DNA Extraction Kit SCMR010 25 Preps.
    Gel DNA Extraction Kit SCMT010A 50 Preps.
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    Agarose Gel DNA Extraction Kit

    Rapidly remove contaminants and concentrate all sizes of DNA in minutes

    • Purify amplified DNA ranging from 100 bp -10 kp in size
    • Fast and efficient spin column format
    • Available in a 50 prep size and a 100 prep size
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    Items Cat. # Size
    Gel DNA Extraction Kit SCMR010 25 Preps.
    Gel DNA Extraction Kit SCMT010A 50 Preps.