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    Carrier RNA

    Carrier RNA

    • Carrier RNA boosts the overall yield of target RNA during extraction.
    • It reduces RNA loss during processing by providing higher total RNA concentration.
    • It safeguards RNA from RNases, maintaining sample integrity.
    • Carrier RNA enhances the consistency and reproducibility of experiments.
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    Carrier RNA is designed to be used in all kind nucleic acid purification and precipitation procedures as a carrier and co-precipitant of nucleic acids. It is especially useful to increase the amount of RNA or DNA pellet in low concentrated solutions, in such procedures, as viral RNA extraction from human specimen samples.

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    Product Size Catlog No.
    Carrier RNA 10 mg SCG025
    50 mg SCG025A
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    Carrier RNA

    • Carrier RNA boosts the overall yield of target RNA during extraction.
    • It reduces RNA loss during processing by providing higher total RNA concentration.
    • It safeguards RNA from RNases, maintaining sample integrity.
    • Carrier RNA enhances the consistency and reproducibility of experiments.
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    Product Size Catlog No.
    Carrier RNA 10 mg SCG025
    50 mg SCG025A