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    T4 DNA Ligase

    T4 DNA Ligase

    • Ligation complete in 15 minutes at room temperature
    • A single ligase master mix for both sticky-end and blunt-end ligation reactions
    • Ready-to-use master mix format reduces pipetting steps
    • 4X concentration enables more dilute DNA to be used in ligation reaction without concentrating

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    SLS’s T4 DNA Ligase Master Mix facilitates the joining of abutted 5’-phosphate and 3’-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA through the formation of a phosphodiester bond. It can be used to join DNA fragments with both sticky ends and blunt ends, and to repair nicks in double-stranded DNA with 3′-hydroxyl and 5′-phosphate ends. Anza T4 DNA Ligase is formulated as a 4X concentrated master mix. Ligation can be performed with DNA in water, TE, elution buffer.


    1. Cloning (blunt-end or cohesive-end ligation)
    2.  Adding linkers or adapters to blunt-ended DNA (2).
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    Store at: – 20◦ C

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    Product Size Catlog No.
    T4 DNA Ligase 1000Units SCG020
    500 Units SCG020A
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    T4 DNA Ligase

    • Ligation complete in 15 minutes at room temperature
    • A single ligase master mix for both sticky-end and blunt-end ligation reactions
    • Ready-to-use master mix format reduces pipetting steps
    • 4X concentration enables more dilute DNA to be used in ligation reaction without concentrating

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    Product Size Catlog No.
    T4 DNA Ligase 1000Units SCG020
    500 Units SCG020A