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    RAPD Teaching KIT

    RAPD Teaching KIT

    This Kit helps to understand the concept of DNA fingerprinting by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in context of bacterial strain identification.

    The kit demonstrates RAPD technique in context to strain identification.



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    DNA Fingerprinting is a well known technique for establishing authenticity. Apart from its forensic applications, it has also evolved as a simple, yet elegant technique in solving paternity disputes, confirming quality parameters in plant biotech industries, characterizing microorganisms and other applications in medical sciences.

    RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) is a PCR based technique that makes use of random primers that bind to a number of partially or perfectly complimentary sequences at unknown locations in the genome of an organism and produce specific bands (DNA fingerprints) that are unique. The principle is that, the single, short oligonucleotide primer, which binds to many different loci, is used to amplify random sequences from a complex DNA template. This means that the amplified fragment generated by PCR depends on the length and size of both  the  primer and  the  target  genome.

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    Kit Content

    Materials Provided in Kit


    upon Receipt

     2X PCR Master Mix (contains Random Primers)


    Taq DNA Polymerase


    3 samples  of Template DNA (as Test Samples)


    Reference Genomic DNA


    Nuclease Free Water


    Gel Loading Dye


    DNA Marker(100 bp Ladder)


    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at above define temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.


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    Items Cat. # Size
    RAPD Teaching Kit SCMT012 10 Preps.


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    RAPD Teaching KIT

    This Kit helps to understand the concept of DNA fingerprinting by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in context of bacterial strain identification.

    The kit demonstrates RAPD technique in context to strain identification.



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    Items Cat. # Size
    RAPD Teaching Kit SCMT012 10 Preps.