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    Plasmid DNA Purification Kit (Spin Column Technology)

    Plasmid DNA Purification Kit (Spin Column Technology)

    Low to medium throughput, mini scale, plasmid isolation.

    • Isolates purified plasmid DNA in small quantities using the alkaline lysis method
    • Saves time – a simple convenient spin column based protocol
    • 24 plasmid samples in less than 30 min,
    • Minimizes DNA loss
    • Increases lab safety- kit does not use hazardous organic reagents.
    • Purify amplified DNA ranging from 100 bp -10 kp in size
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    SLS’s offer an optimized DNA extraction kit for plasmids using a modified alkaline lysis method. Unlike the extraction of genomic DNA, where all DNA is extracted, the isolation of plasmid DNA involves the separation of circular plasmid DNA from bacterial genomic DNA. Furthermore, the majority of the isolated plasmid DNA should remain supercoiled for increased efficiency in downstream applications such as transfection.

    The scale of the plasmid DNA extraction kit used depends on the amounts of starting material and the yield of plasmid DNA that is required. Most kits come in mini, midi, and maxi prep sizes. The majority of applications use the mini kit size, mainly for screening. The midi kit is used for generating sufficient plasmid DNA for multiple manipulations or high-volume applications such as Southern blotting or pulsed field gel electrophoresis.

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    • Minimize DNA loss with a kit that removes contaminants without precipitation or other handling steps that degrade DNA.
    • Improve reliability and reproducibility in downstream applications with a kit that removes RNA and other impurities that cause plasmid DNA to behave unpredictably.
    • Eliminate the use of hazardous organic compounds such as cesium chloride, phenol, chloroform, and ethidium bromide.
    Format Spin columns
    Throughput 1–24 samples
    Preparation time 24 minipreps in 30 minutes
    Equipment required Microcentrifuge or vacuum manifold
    Lysate clearing Centrifugation
    Capacity of column reservoir 700 µl
    Minimum elution buffer volume 50 µl
    Culture volume for high-copy plasmids 1–5 ml
    Culture volume for low-copy plasmids/cosmids 1–10 ml

    Yield is variable and depends both on the particular E. coli strain used and the cell density of the bacterial culture.

    Kit Contents

    Storage  Temperature

    (upon receipt)

    Spin Columns with collection tube


    Buffer P1


    Buffer P2


    Buffer PN3


    Buffer PW1


    Buffer PW2§ (Concentrate)


    Buffer PE


    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.

    For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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    Items Cat. # Size
    Plasmid DNA Purification kit (Spin Column Technology) SCMR008 25 Prep.
    Plasmid DNA Purification kit (Spin Column Technology) SCMR008A 50 Prep.
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    Plasmid DNA Purification Kit (Spin Column Technology)

    Low to medium throughput, mini scale, plasmid isolation.

    • Isolates purified plasmid DNA in small quantities using the alkaline lysis method
    • Saves time – a simple convenient spin column based protocol
    • 24 plasmid samples in less than 30 min,
    • Minimizes DNA loss
    • Increases lab safety- kit does not use hazardous organic reagents.
    • Purify amplified DNA ranging from 100 bp -10 kp in size
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    Items Cat. # Size
    Plasmid DNA Purification kit (Spin Column Technology) SCMR008 25 Prep.
    Plasmid DNA Purification kit (Spin Column Technology) SCMR008A 50 Prep.