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    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant, Fungi)

    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant, Fungi)

    For extraction of total cellular DNA from plant cells and tissues or fungi, or genomic DNA from plant cells, tissues and seeds

    • Rapid and simple procedure
    • No organic extraction, no ethanol precipitation
    • Excellent quality and yield of DNA
    • Process a broad spectrum of plant species and filamentous fungi
    • Highly efficient lysis and release of DNA from tough plant materials and associated plant pathogens
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    This kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total DNA from a wide range of plant and fungal species. Total DNA, including genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA can be purified from fresh or frozen plant tissues, plant cells or fungi samples using this kit.  Purified DNA samples can be used for the detection of viral pathogens, as viral DNA is isolated with the plant/fungi DNA.  This Kits provide fast and easy silica-based DNA isolation from plant samples in spin column format. Typical yields are 3–200 μg of high-quality DNA, depending on the samples used (e.g., wheat, maize, Arabidopsis, tomato, tobacco) and binding capacity of the silica membrane.

    The purified DNA is of the highest integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, SNP, Southern blotting and sequencing.


    This Kit  provide purification of ready-to-use DNA from plant samples, including plant cells, plant tissues and fungi.

    For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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    Kit Specifications – Spin Column

    Column Binding Capacity

    Up to 50 μg

    Maximum Column Loading Volume

    650 μL

    Elution volume

    50–200 µl




    Silica technology

    Time per run or per prep

    <1 hour

    Maximum Amount of Starting Material:
    Plant Tissues

     Up to 100 mg

    Fungi (wet weight)

    100 mg

    Average Yields*
    50 mg Tomato Leaves

    18 µg

    50 mg Grape Leaves

    10 µg

    50 mg Peach Leaves

    10 µg

    50 mg Plum Leaves

    10 µg

    50 mg Pine Needles

    5 µg

    Botrytis cinerea (50 mg wet weight)

    1.5 µg

    Fusarium sp. (50 mg wet weight)

    2 µg

    Aspergillus niger (50 mg wet weight)

    4 µg

    * Average yields will vary depending upon a number of factors including species, growth conditions used and developmental stage.

    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.

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    Items Cat. # Size
    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant  & Fungi) SCMR007 25 Prep.
    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant  & Fungi) SCMR007A 50 Prep.
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    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant, Fungi)

    For extraction of total cellular DNA from plant cells and tissues or fungi, or genomic DNA from plant cells, tissues and seeds

    • Rapid and simple procedure
    • No organic extraction, no ethanol precipitation
    • Excellent quality and yield of DNA
    • Process a broad spectrum of plant species and filamentous fungi
    • Highly efficient lysis and release of DNA from tough plant materials and associated plant pathogens
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    Items Cat. # Size
    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant  & Fungi) SCMR007 25 Prep.
    Plant gDNA Purification Kit (Plant  & Fungi) SCMR007A 50 Prep.