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    DNase I

    DNase I

    • Preparation of DNA-free RNA
    • Removal of template DNA following in vitro transcription
    • Preparation of DNA-free RNA prior to RT-PCR and RT-qPCR
    • DNA labeling by nick-translation in conjunction with DNA Polymerase I
    • Studies of DNA-protein interactions by DNase I, RNase-free footprinting
    • Generation of a library of randomly overlapping DNA inserts. Reaction buffer containing Mn2+ is used

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    SLS’ s DNase I, is an endonuclease that digests single- and double-stranded DNA. It hydrolyzes phosphodiester bonds producing mono- and oligodeoxyribonucleotides with 5′-phosphate and 3′-OH groups.

    The enzyme activity is strictly dependent on Ca2+ and is activated by Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions.

    In the presence of Mg2+, DNase I cleaves each strand of dsDNA independently in a statistically random fashion. In the presence of Mn2+, the enzyme cleaves both DNA strands at approximately the same site, producing DNA fragments with blunt-ends or with overhang termini of only one or two nucleotides.

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    Product Size Catlog No.
    DNase I 100 mg SCG024
    500 mg SCG024A
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    DNase I

    • Preparation of DNA-free RNA
    • Removal of template DNA following in vitro transcription
    • Preparation of DNA-free RNA prior to RT-PCR and RT-qPCR
    • DNA labeling by nick-translation in conjunction with DNA Polymerase I
    • Studies of DNA-protein interactions by DNase I, RNase-free footprinting
    • Generation of a library of randomly overlapping DNA inserts. Reaction buffer containing Mn2+ is used

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    Edit Content
    Product Size Catlog No.
    DNase I 100 mg SCG024
    500 mg SCG024A