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    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit)

    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit)

    This  kit  demonstrates  the  amplification  of  desired fragment from  the  template DNA  by  Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR).

    • Rapid and user friendly protocol
    • Helps the students to understand the concept and methodology of PCR
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    SLS’ DNA Amplification Teaching Kit demonstrates how to set up the PCR reaction and the thermal cycler machine for the amplification of desired gene fragment.


    Polymerase chain   reaction   (PCR) is a method widely used to rapidly make millions to billions of   copies of a speci?c Region of gene, allowing scientists to take a very   small sample   of DNA and   amplify it   to a large enough amount to study   in   detail.

    A basic PCR set-up requires several components including:

    A DNA template  that contains the DNA target region to amplify

     A DNA polymerase: an enzyme that polymerizes new DNA strands;

    • Two DNA primers   that   are   complementary to the 3′ ends   of each   of   the   sense   and   anti-sense   strands of the DNA target.

    • dNTPs- the building blocks  from which the DNA polymerase synthesizes a new DNA strand

    • A Buffer Solution  providing  a suitable chemical environment for optimum activity and stability of the DNA polymerase.

    The reaction is commonly carried out in a volume of 10–200 μL  in small reaction tubes in a thermal cycler.


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    Kit Content

    Materials Provided in Kit


    upon Receipt

     2X PCR Master Mix


    Taq DNA Polymerase


    Template DNA


    Nuclease Free Water


    Gel Loading Dye


    DNA Marker(100 bp Ladder)


    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at above define temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.


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    Items Cat. # Size
    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit) SCMT011 10 Preps.
    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit) SCMT011A 20 Preps.
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    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit)

    This  kit  demonstrates  the  amplification  of  desired fragment from  the  template DNA  by  Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR).

    • Rapid and user friendly protocol
    • Helps the students to understand the concept and methodology of PCR
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    Click on the Edit Content button to edit/add the content.
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    Items Cat. # Size
    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit) SCMT011 10 Preps.
    DNA Amplification Kit (PCR Teaching Kit) SCMT011A 20 Preps.