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    Blood gDNA Purification kit

    Blood gDNA Purification kit

    Purify total genomic DNA with the highest quality and quantity

    • Input volumes up to 200 µL of Blood
    • High yield and high quality DNA ready for any application
    • Fast and convenient spin column protocol
    • No phenol or chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation
    • Ensure fast and reproducible DNA purification
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    SLS’s Blood DNA Isolation Mini Kit is designed for the rapid preparation of DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood using a rapid spin column protocol.  DNA can be isolated from the blood of various species, including humans. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes. The kit isolates genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA, viral DNA and bacterial DNA from blood samples. The purified DNA is of excellent quality and yield and completely compatible with downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, Sequencing, Genotyping, Virus Detection, Southern Blot analysis.

    Purification requires no phenol or chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation, and involves minimal handling. This makes this Kits highly suited for simultaneous processing of multiple samples.


    This Kit provide high-quality DNA, ready to use in all downstream assays, including applications in:

    • Life science research
    • Livestock breeding
    • Pedigree genotyping
    • Veterinary pathogen research
    • Routine applied testing
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    Features Specifications
    Applications PCR, real-time PCR, genotyping
    Elution volume 100–200 µl
    Time per run or per prep 20 minutes – 1 hour
    Main sample type Blood
    Format Spin column
    Maximum Blood Input 200 µL
    Average Yield (200 µL of blood) 4-12 µg*
    Processing Manual
    Technology Silica technology

    *Yield will vary depending on the type of blood processed

    Storage Conditions and Product Stability

    All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K solution, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. For longer storage of Proteinase K store it at –20°C.

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    Items Cat. # Size
    Blood gDNA Purification kit SCMR006C 25 Preparations
    Blood gDNA Purification kit SCMR006D 50 Preparations
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    Blood gDNA Purification kit

    Purify total genomic DNA with the highest quality and quantity

    • Input volumes up to 200 µL of Blood
    • High yield and high quality DNA ready for any application
    • Fast and convenient spin column protocol
    • No phenol or chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation
    • Ensure fast and reproducible DNA purification
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    Items Cat. # Size
    Blood gDNA Purification kit SCMR006C 25 Preparations
    Blood gDNA Purification kit SCMR006D 50 Preparations