Safegene RNA Purification Kit

Purify total RNA with the Archive quality RNA from variety of biological Samples

  • No Hazardous Reagents
  • Fast and convenient and user friendly protocol
  • Isolate from a wide variety of specimens
  • Ensures Pure and archive quality RNA


SLS’ SafeGene RNA Purification Kit is designed for the purification of substantially undegraded total RNA from various biological samples, free of any contaminating DNA and proteins. The SLS’ SafeGene RNA Purification Kit rapidly isolates total RNA from whole Blood, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Plant, Cultured Cells, Body fluids, Mammalian tissues such as mouse liver, spleen, lung, heart, etc.

The kit includes Cell lysis reagent, Protein-DNA precipitation reagent, Cell resuspension reagent, RBC lysis solution (in case of Blood samples), Lytic Enzyme Reagent (in case of difficult to lyse samples) and RNase free deionized water for elution and storage of purified total RNA.


The process consists of cell or protein coat lysis and RNase inactivation by combining the biological samples with a Lysing reagent containing detergent to form a lysate; which means destruction of a cell by rupture of its membranes or envelope as well as the denaturation of a viral protein coat. This is followed by RNA purification using a precipitation reagent to selectively remove contaminating DNA and proteins. The final steps use common steps. These steps are: (1) RNA concentration using standard precipitation methods; and (2) RNA Elution using a standard Elution buffer, such as RNase free water.


Quickly isolate total RNA from a variety of samples such as mouse liver, spleen, lung, and heart.

Prepare RNA samples in approximately Two Hours. (Depends on sample source)

Obtain concentrated RNA that is suitable for downstream applications and archiving.

Eliminate the use of hazardous organic compounds such as cesium chloride, phenol, chloroform, and ethidium bromide.


  • RNA-seq
  • Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR
  • Real-time RT-PCR starting with as little as one cell
  • End-point RT-PCR
  • Northern, dot, and slot blotting
  • Array analysis
  • Poly A+ RNA selection



Elution volume

50–200 µl

Main sample type

Blood, Bacteria,Tissue, cells, yeast, Fungi, Plant, etc.


Manual (centrifugation)

Purification of total RNA/ miRNA,

Total RNA

Sample amount



Salting out

Time per run or per prep

120 minutes (Depends on sample source)

Kit Contents:


Storage  Temperature

(upon receipt)


Cell Resuspension Solution


Cell Lysis Solution


Precipitation Solution


DE Buffer


Lytic Enzyme Solution


RBC Lysis Solution
(in case of Blood Samples)


Storage Conditions and Product Stability

All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at above define temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers. 


Cat. #


Total RNA Purification Kit
(For Blood,Bacteria, Cultured cell, Fungi, Yeast, Tissue, Plant etc.)


50 Prep


100 Prep


200 Prep