Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit

For separation of DNA molecules on agarose gel and determining their size with the DNA ladder.


  • Easy and user friendly procedure
  • Determining the size of the sample DNA bands with DNA Ladder


Agarose gel electrophoresis is a procedure used to separate DNA fragments based on their molecular weight and is an intrinsic part of almost all routine experiments carried out in molecular biology.
The kit teaches the three basic steps involved in this technique i.e. preparation of agarose gel, electrophoresis of the DNA fragments, visualization of DNA fragments.
SLS’ Agarose gel electrophoresis teaching kit enables the students to visualize the DNA  fragments  based  on  their  molecular  weight  on  agarose  gel.
Agarose  gel  electrophoresis;  a  method  for  separation  of  DNA  and  RNA molecules  based on  their  molecular  size  and  charge.  The  negatively  charged  nucleic  acids  migrate  through an  agarose  gel  matrix  under  the  influence  of  an  electric  field.  Smaller  molecules  move faster  and  migrate  farther  than  the  larger  ones.  The  position  of  DNA  in  the  agarose  gel  is visualised  by  staining  with  low  concentration  of  fluorescent  intercalating  dyes, such  as Ethidium  bromide.

Kit Content

Materials Provided

Storage upon Receipt

Genomic DNA (as a Reference Sample)


DNA Ladder


6X Gel Loading Buffer


10 X TAE


Agarose, Low EEO



Storage Conditions and Product Stability

All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at the temperature mentioned above. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers at their storage temperature.




Cat. #


Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit


10 Prep.