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    Get a more precise understanding with the Genomic Health Insights Program

    Are you aware of how your family history impacts life’s journey ahead?

    Introducing Genomic Health Insight

    • Strand Life Sciences Genomic Health Insights is a state-of-the-art genomic test to   provide valuable insights into an individual’s health.
    • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and proprietary bioinformatics tools are used to extract genetic information
    • 22,000 genes are sequenced for risk factors for 250+ of genetic disorders
    • Detailed insights with risk factors for various genetic disorders and pharmaceutical drug interactions are reported
    • Enhances individual’s awareness of their genetic risks to certain conditions
    • Enables proactive instead of reactive health monitoring

    I am healthy, why do I need to sequence my genome?

    Screen Early, Treat Early

    • 2-3% of healthy individuals we have sequenced have a mutation that increases their lifetime risk of cancer substantially (e.g. Mostly breast/ovarian cancer or colon cancer, but also prostate/pancreatic etc).
    • 1 in 500 individuals have mutations that render them at risk for various heart conditions, called cardiomyopathies & channelopathies. These conditions may be clinically silent without any overt symptoms. Their impact could vary from benign at one extreme to sudden death in some cases at the other extreme.
    • 25% of healthy individuals whose genomes we have sequenced are silent carriers of mutations that cause serious disease (e.g. Cystic Fibrosis, Beta-Thalassemia, etc. There are a few thousand such diseases).
    • At 25 million births p.a., we can reduce disease burden by 25,000 – 250,000 annually if everyone were to get their genomes sequenced while planning their families.

    Early Detection, Better Treatment

    • Current medical protocols can help control this risk in those who harbour a mutation in genes associated with inherited cancer.
    • Publications estimate 2,50,000 lives can be saved in India alone if, all adult women were tested and those with increased risks are monitored carefully.
    • Continued monitoring of those with such mutations is key for early intervention and better health outcomes.

    Our Commitment to Privacy and Ethics

    At Strand Genomic Wellness, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and ethical practice. Your genetic information is securely handled and confidentially treated.

    What is Genomics?

    The blueprint of life is stored in a bio-chemical molecule called DNA that is present in almost every cell of our body. This DNA is comprised of several genes and is densely packed in the nucleus of every cell with the help of proteins. The combination of this DNA wrapped around these proteins and responsible for generating every cellular component constitutes the genome. Genomics is an Interdisciplinary field of Biology focussing on the structure, function, evolution, mapping and editing of genomes.

    Why It Matters?

    Genomics empowers individuals with knowledge about their genetic predispositions, enabling proactive health and lifestyle decisions. In an era where quality of life is as important as longevity, Genomics presents the opportunity to comprehensively address personalised, preventative and precision approaches to healthcare.

    Strand Genomic Wellness


    Strand Genomic Wellness is at the forefront of the consumer genomics revolution in India. We are dedicated to bringing the power of genetic understanding to every household, offering comprehensive and accessible genomic tests. Our informed and capable customer support team coordinate a smooth customer experience that starts with a cheek swab and culminates in an elegant report delivered over an informative software interface. Our team of certified genetic counsellors are on hand to explain the results and guide your decisions on the way forward.


    Our commitment is to offer advanced genomic solutions that are both scientifically robust and ethically responsible. By simply registering on our website and providing informed consent our team is committed to escorting you through your genomic journey and empowering you to take the best decisions on your wealth and wellness.

    From Sample To insights: A Seamless Journey to GHI

    • Unprecedented access to genetic profile via personalized dashboard
    • Personalized statistics and real-time updates
    • Stay up-to-date with the latest genetic insights
    • Empower consumers to proactively manage their health and well-being

    Book Your Test Today!