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    5X Protein Loading Buffer (Reducing)

    5X Protein Loading Buffer (Reducing)

    SLS’s SDS PAGE Sample Buffer 5X (Reducing) is the most commonly used sample buffer for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of denatured proteins in the Laemmli SDS-PAGE system.

    This buffer is very important in the preparation of protein samples and loading them onto a gel. SLS protein loading buffer is a 5X reducing hence it requires less sample dilution but yet accommodating more proteins load in a well.

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    Using bromophenol blue dye, SDS-PAGE Protein Loading Buffer is a ready-to-use 5X solution. It can be used for SDS-PAGE protein loading of conventional proteins. It is especially formulated for protein sample preparation to be used in the Laemmli SDS-PAGE system. It is sufficient to prepare 15 mL protein samples. The whole sample preparation process can be finished within 5 minutes.

    Remember to avoid common mistakes that may occur such as underloading or overloading of proteins. This can be avoided by considering the amount of protein available using protein assay. Loading less protein may lead to poor detection of the bands while on the other hand overloading the protein would lead to the formation of streaks or even smears due to protein aggregation.

    It is always advisable to run you gel electrophoresis markers together with the protein samples so that you can observe accurate protein sizes and also act as control

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    Product Catlog No. pack size
    5x Protein Sample Loading Buffer SCG028 1 ml
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    5X Protein Loading Buffer (Reducing)

    SLS’s SDS PAGE Sample Buffer 5X (Reducing) is the most commonly used sample buffer for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of denatured proteins in the Laemmli SDS-PAGE system.

    This buffer is very important in the preparation of protein samples and loading them onto a gel. SLS protein loading buffer is a 5X reducing hence it requires less sample dilution but yet accommodating more proteins load in a well.

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    Product Catlog No. pack size
    5x Protein Sample Loading Buffer SCG028 1 ml